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  2. pl
14 January 2022

Work stage 1

Research on the possibility of recovering non-ferrous metals such as Co, Ni, Cu, Li, Zn, Bi, Pb, Mn, Ag from recycled waste materials in the form of substrates for the production of qualified rhenium compounds

The aim of this WP1 will be to investigate the possibility of recovering selected metals, e.g. Ni, Co, Bi, Ag, Cu, Zn, Li, Mn, Pb, from several selected types of waste, mainly from recycling, but also from the national industry of Cu and Zn-Pb. The final materials obtained in these tests (metals, salts and/or solutions) will be used for the preparation of the qualified rhenium components (perrhenates). As a result of the implementation of this WP, materials will be created that could be used as a source of the mentioned metals for the production of perrhenates, which will be obtained in the next WPs of this project (mainly WP5 but also WP2-4). It should be emphasized that this stage is very important due to the fact that currently produced perrhenates are obtained from commercially sold metal salts of a qualified high purity and with very high price. It should also be noted that many valuable metals, including critical materials (e.g. Co, Bi, Li) are not recovered on an industrial scale in Poland. It is a barrier to the production of rhenium components of these metals, which is an issue that could be solved with the implementation of this project. For example, commercially available nickel salts produced on an industrial scale are also unsuitable for the production of the certified nickel(II) perrhenates, which excludes the production of this compound on an industrial scale. It should be pointed out that in the case of all the mentioned metals, their recovery from the selected available waste is expected by both the domestic and world market of non-ferrous metals, due to their significantly decreasing resources.

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