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Research on purification methods of selected rhenium compiuds, which are dedicated to catalysis, electromobility, aviation and defence industry
As a part of this work package, the technological issue of purification of rhenium compounds and the classical synthesis of the selected perrhenates, i.e. Bi, Ag, Cu, Zn, Li, Mn, Pb, etc., with the use of the materials produced in the WP1 and the waste rhenium and/or perrhenic acid solutions developed in the WP2 and 3 will be solved.
An important element will be the purification of all obtained rhenium components from the previous WPs taking into account their potential use in four selected and demanding fields, i.e. in catalysis, electromobility, the defense and aviation industry. From among the obtained compounds, a few which will be in the appropriate purity range and the method of their purification will be economically viable, with a low negative impact on the environment, will be selected.
After gaining the knowledge and experience regarding the possibility of purification and production of rhenium components, a decision will be made to test their usefulness in the mentioned fields.