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Research in the field of hydro and electrometallurgy and chemistry of metals: copper, zinc, precious metals and the so-called metals accompanying the deposits of copper and zinc-lead ores are carried out at the Łukasiewicz - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals from the beginning of its activity, i.e. from 1952.
Research activities of Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy covers:
modification and improvement of a technology for electrolytic refining of copper,
modification and improvement of hydrometallurgical methods of zinc materials processing,
new technologies for obtaining and refining of metals associated with copper and zinc ores,
new technologies for obtaining and refining of noble metals,
hydrometallurgical processing of semi-products, waste and secondary materials of non-ferrous metals industry and other branches of industry,
investigations and basic research in the field of non-ferrous metals hydrometallurgy and electrochemistry, chemical engineering included,
technological advice and opinions in the field of hydrometallurgy,
researches into new technologies of dehydration,
solvent extraction and ion exchange application in non-ferrous metals hydrometallurgy.
Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals
Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy