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Research in the field of hydro and electrometallurgy and chemistry of metals: copper, zinc, precious metals and the so-called metals accompanying the deposits of copper and zinc-lead ores are carried out at the Łukasiewicz - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals from the beginning of its activity, i.e. from 1952.

Research activities of Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy covers:

  • modification and improvement of a technology for electrolytic refining of copper,

  • modification and improvement of hydrometallurgical methods of zinc materials processing,

  • new technologies for obtaining and refining of metals associated with copper and zinc ores,

  • new technologies for obtaining and refining of noble metals,

  • hydrometallurgical processing of semi-products, waste and secondary materials of non-ferrous metals industry and other branches of industry,

  • investigations and basic research in the field of non-ferrous metals hydrometallurgy and electrochemistry, chemical engineering included,

  • technological advice and opinions in the field of hydrometallurgy,

  • researches into new technologies of dehydration,

  • solvent extraction and ion exchange application in non-ferrous metals hydrometallurgy.

Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy