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IV National Scientific Conference"Direction NANO - research and achievements in the area of nanotechnology” 16 September 2022
On September 16, 2022, Katarzyna Leszczyńska-Sejda, the project manager of RenMet, participated in the 4th National Scientific Conference "Kierunek NANO – Research and Achievements in the Field of Nanotechnology." The conference aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences, present research results, and discuss existing and future challenges in the field of nanotechnology.
During the event, the latest advancements in nanotechnology and the directions in which research is heading were discussed. Katarzyna Leszczyńska-Sejda delivered a presentation titled "Development of Rhenium Technologies in Poland – Re Nanocomponents Produced from Waste," in which she discussed the development prospects of rhenium technologies being investigated within the RenMet project.